
Ok, I have been slacking!! I am sorry!! Jackson keeps me on my toes for sure. We have started the bi-weekly NST (Non Stress Tests) and I go in every monday and thursday morning at 8am and get hooked up to the monitors and we watch to see how Jackson's heart rate is and if I'm having contractions, etc. Well, we started out really well, but then Jackson decided he didn't want to cooperate the last couple of times. He tends to fall asleep on the monitor and then we have to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. He scares the crap out of his parents! As soon as we start the ultrasound, he wakes back up and passes with flying colors and scores 8 out of 8 on their little test. whew. Well, I have still been having the episodes of contractions that has been diagnosed as irritable uterus, so my doctor stuck me on some anti-contraction meds. That was last monday. Well, last thursday morning, I had my NST and everything was fine, but by that afternoon, the contractions just felt different. I called the office and went back in and decided to have James take me. Good thing I did! We ended up revisiting the labor and delivery floor at the hospital again! Turns out I was contracting and am 50% effaced, so we went to the hospital and had to get a couple of shots to get the contractions to stop. After a few hours, things subsided and we were able to go home! Thank Goodness! So after a fantastic weekend of my baby shower and seeing friends, we went back to the doctor on Monday. My dr decided to go ahead and give me the steroid shots that will allow Jackson's lungs to develop just in case he decides to be impatient again! The little stinker. We were supposed to have an ultrasound today to see how big he is, but turns out the ultrasound tech is on vacation! So that will now be June 22nd. So, even with all of that, things have been going really well and we are just getting so excited for him to get here. We have his room all set up and we will be 34 weeks on Saturday! Even though we're so excited, he needs to wait until July since my parents will be on vacation from the 20th-28th and James's mom will be on vacation in Florida then too! James keeps lecturing him, so let's hope it works!! :) At some point, he has to listen to his parents right??? :)


