What a Week!

Well, it has been a doozy of a week. I chalk it up to the fact that Jackson knows my parents are on vacation. We headed to the hospital on monday night for contractions, AGAIN! We took some meds and calmed everything down and were able to leave again. At that point I was still only dilated to 1cm so everything was staying the same. Well, let's see... Tues... more contractions so I stopped by the dr's office and got checked again. same. Wed.... I went in to the dr's office in the morning and got checked. same as before. Went back to work and by the time the afternoon rolled around the pain was so bad I couldn't sit still, let alone concentrate. James came and picked me up and took me home. Well, when I got home I noticed I was spotting a bit, so called the dr's office and had to go back! I got hooked up to the monitors this time and it was registering irritability, but not contractions. Met with Mazdai who checked me again and this time told me I made a bit of progress in the 4 hours since she had checked me! I was more effaced but not more dilated. Wasn't expecting that answer! So, we went home and decided we'd go see the new Transformers since it just came out. So good! I asked James that night if he thought I should keep my thurs NST appt since I had just had one that day and he said yes, so this time I went in with my thank you notes and was going to get stuff done during this NST since they usually last for over an hour. Well, 20 min into this NST and the nurse comes in and says, "you're done, but the dr wants to see you." so this is a first. So, I am sitting on the table and in walks Mazdai who tells me I am contracting across the whole chart! I go, what? which of course causes her to start cracking up because here I am writing thank you notes and I'm not any more than just uncomfortable and registering contractions like crazy, but the day before I am in tears and only registering irritability. I tell you... Jackson.... you keep things interesting. So she said she wanted to check me since I was contracting regularly. we are still the same. So, she said, well I am on call this weekend so call me if you go into labor! Actually her exact words were... "you may go into labor later today or this weekend... I'm on call." so here I'm thinking... well, great. I am not going to know when I am since irritability hurts like hell and the contractions were just uncomfortable. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll know when I am in labor since it's going to be probably the worst pain ever, but it just doesn't make sense I tell ya. So, I got things tied up at work just in case and have been contracting all night and day, but nothing really painful and they haven't changed. So I got a pedicure just in case! you know the toes have to look good for labor! :) I'm sure since my parents are coming home on sunday that things will calm down in time for them to make it home. :) In the meantime, we have prepared the car seats and gotten everything we can to prepare. I think James is nesting now instead of me because he can't sit still. ha. Thank goodness it's Friday because it's been a week! I'll keep you posted if anything changes, but I think we've gotten it out of our system for now. and yes, Jackson... I know you control everything at this point. No need to keep reminding me!


