30wk Ultrasound

Today we had possibly our last ultrasound! Dr. Mazdai wanted to check growth and size today, so I had mom tag along with us to see Jackson for the first time. The cool thing was that most of it was done in 3D, so we got to see some pretty cool pictures of Jackson. Some of them are so hard to make out though. I added a couple of pictures of his face. If you look in the top left of the one, you'll see all 5 of his little toes! The tech said that his hands and feet were constantly up by his head, so sounds like I have quite a flexible little guy! He was measuring at 31w 3 days (I am technically 30w 2d) so he's a week ahead of schedule and doing great! They estimate his weight at a whopping 3 lbs 11oz! So, from now until delivery, I'll be going in for bi-weekly monitoring and then a weekly appt with my doctor. So we are in the home stretch of things!


