28 wk appt

We had our 28wk appt today! We are moving right along. I wanted to recap some of the things we talked about since we've had an eventful last few weeks with Jackson. The doctor was very understanding and comforted us and let us know that everything is going just fine!

Here’s what happened at my appt…..

1-The passing out is most likely due to the way my uterus sits and the way the baby was positioned. She believes that the baby was pressing on the vagal nerve in my spine and caused the passing out. Every test and blood work was run that morning and all came out fine. She says this can happen with some women and I am one of the lucky few!

2-She believes that my uterus is kind of “spasming” or becoming irritable, and unlike the average person, my uterus doesn’t contract throughout the day, but instead has these “episodes” of intense contractions. Even though they are at timed intervals and are painful, they have no action to them. As long as I lie down and they go away within an hour she doesn’t think there’s any need to be checked each time. She said they are not causing me to dilate or become effaced and says this sometimes happens with women. Even though they are intense, they aren’t doing anything and that's the most important thing.

3-My urine showed a small amount of protein again but she said not enough to be concerned. My BP is still running normal so she said she won’t repeat the 24 hr urine unless one of those things changes. So far, so good!

4-I am measuring on schedule and heartbeat sounds great. I will be having an ultrasound on May 18th to measure growth and everything. Mom will be coming to see her grandson on camera for the first time! They are much different than when she had kids!

5-At 32 wks, we’ll start the NST tests and begin the every week appts, but she doesn’t see any reason to start them earlier since everything is going ok. I will get induced at 38 wks as long as everything continues the way its going. So only 10 more weeks left!

So, it was another great milestone and appt today! I did get my Rhogam shot (Being RH negative blood type) and it was nothing compared to the blood thinner shots, so I was gleaming after that! So glad to have that over and done with! James told the nurse to shut the door so no one could hear me scream! ha! Not a peep out of me! So, we had some taco bell for our celebratory cinco de mayo lunch! I hope someone is drinking a margarita for me! That's all for now!


