20wk Appt

We had our 20wk appt with the regular OB on the 12th. Everything is moving along! Measurements are right on cue and Jackson's heart rate was in the 150s, which is perfect. He is quite active, I tell ya. Dr. Mazdai was listening to the heartbeat and then in a split second he was gone and all the way on the opposite end and side of where he was before! She looked at me and said, " How in the world did he get all the way over there so quickly?" James was proud. :) We had a bit of a scare the other night when I had terrible, terrible pains every 3 minutes and they were gut-wrenching! We called Mazdai who had me take a hot shower, take tylenol, and lie down. After a few hours they got farther and farther apart and were gone by the next morning. Those hurt!! I talked to Mazdai yesterday and I like her game plan! we're going to pretend like that didn't happen! ha! We are keeping a close eye on things, but we're not going to get excited unless it happens again. sounds like a great plan to me. We discussed that I will most likely get induced a few weeks early (Sorry Rob! No birthday grandson!) from the diabetes and everything. We discussed that I'll start the non-stress tests at 32 weeks (twice a week) and we'll keep an eye on everything via ultrasounds. If anything should happen to show up at one of those appointments, then Mazdai will make the call if we need to deliver early. BUT.... everything is going fine so far, so we don't even need to think about that right now! So, as of right now, I'm halfway through and feeling great. Jackson kicks up a STORM morning, noon, and night. Obviously he did not get the memo that I'm not a morning person! It is definitely entertaining to feel it though. Other than that, nothing exciting is going on here! I'll post when I have more news!

19w 3d Ultrasound Pictures

And the winner is.....

We had our fetal echocardiogram today and the BIG ultrasound! Everything looks great and no abnormalities were noted anywhere!! It was absolutely amazing to see all they can do with ultrasounds today! We were able to see every part of the brain, all four chambers of the heart, and all the other organs. Amazing. We saw the high risk doctor and the cardiologist and everything was great. It turned out with all the doctors that the ultrasound was an hour and a half long! Well, after that long on my back, I began to get faint at the very end. The cardiologist was sweet and had me roll over on my side and put a cold rag on my neck while the tech got me a large glass of water. Well, that glass of water ended up on me somehow! I have to say it was greatly appreciated because I instantly felt better! So I can't say today wasn't eventful. It was such a great morning. James and I took the day off and had lunch and went shopping since we finally knew what we were having.....

IT IS A BOY!!!!! Jackson Gundar Abernathy will be joining us this summer and we can't say how thrilled we are.

So... we got lots of cute outfits today and they are currently being washed so I can put them away asap! I met up with mom after work and she got to share in the excitement and buy some cute outfits as well. I can't tell you how cute shoes are when they are that small!

I will post pictures of the ultrasound tomorrow!

1st Kicks!

So I've been feeling some movement the last few weeks, but very light and of course, I ask myself, "Is that really what I'm feeling?" Well, last saturday I was taking a bath and got kicked twice! There was no misinterpreting those! So, I was all excited, but of course, nothing happened when James put his hand on my stomach. Well, over the last week they have become a lot more frequent, but still off and on with the strong ones. So, tonight we were sitting and watching a movie (me eating Oreos) and I felt a pretty good one. So I told James about it and he stuck his hand on my stomach. Well, low and behold I get kicked three times in about 3 minutes and all three were quite strong! I think James's face after that first one is burned into my heart and memory forever. What a cool thing to experience for the first time and to share that together is truly amazing. What a fun milestone we reached tonight! Now, if only tomorrow will go fast, so Tuesday morning gets here and we can start calling baby a he or she! Night!

