So Far...

It's been a very busy 1st trimester as I seem to scare most doctors with my background! I have a wonderful OB/Gyn that has just been great so far. We also will be having a high risk doctor monitor everything as well. Needless to say, I'll be seeing lots of doctors once again! So here's a summary of the latest doctor appts and tests.....

1/12- We went to the high risk dr and the genetic counselor and all tests have come back negative so far! Our down syndrome risk is 1:10,000. We were very pleased to hear this. We also had an ultrasound and our little one seemed to take after its mom. He/She did not want to be disturbed while sleeping and proceeded to stay tightly curled up in a little ball in the corner. ha! The ultrasound tech then started bouncing the wand on my stomach to try to get some more cooperation. This then resulted in our little one immediately putting both hands up above its head like leave me alone! :) we have a picture of this of course! James says the little one likes sleep as much as I do! :)

1/14- We went back to see our OB/Gyn and, since it was just a standard appt, mom ended up coming with me. It was very cool to have her there because I didn't realize we'd hear the heartbeat again! It was in the 150s and we got to hear a few movements as well!

1/20- told ya I had a lot of appts. Unfortunately, my endocrinologist passed away on NYE so I met with my new endocrinologist today. He was incredibly pleased with my blood sugars and how well I'm doing since surgery. I think disbelief would be the right word. I did learn that I should be coding my strips with my meter today (oops.) so we've got that covered now! I'll go back to see him in May, but he wants to keep everything the way it is right now. Good news!

So.... Upcoming events!!!

2/9-2/11- Mom and I are heading back up to Minnesota for some shopping, I mean Dr's appts. We'll be having our one year follow up with Dr. Sutherland. It'll be so good to see him since he saw me in May of last year and I wasn't looking too hot. It'll be great to talk to him about everything and even see what to expect in the upcoming months!

2/12- We'll be doing the 2nd blood draw for the genetic testing.

2/16- another follow up with the OB/Gyn

3/3- This is the BIG DAY!! We'll be having an echocardiogram and detailed ultrasound at the high risk doctor and we'll be finding out what we're having!! No more guessing!

So far, everything is going really well. I only got hit with morning sickness one day and the nausea has subsided! The headaches are finally starting to become less frequent, which I am so thankful for! So saturday marks the end of the 1st trimester! It's pretty surreal that we've made it this far already!

I'll try to remember and post the ultrasound pics this week!

We'll keep you posted!


