He's Here!

Jackson Gundar arrived at 4:49pm on 07/08/09 after 13 hours of labor and 9 minutes of pushing! :) He weighed 7lbs 1 oz and was 19.5 inches long!

I woke up wednesday morning at about 4am and was having contractions so I decided to walk and see what happened. I woke James up around 6:30 and we called the doctor and was on our way! We got to the hospital around 7:45 and at this point I was dilated to 2cm and fully effaced. We walked and waited for my doctor to be done with a c-section and about 45 minutes later she came in and checked me again. I was dilated to 3cm so she went ahead and broke my water. From this point on, we dilated pretty much a cm an hour! At about 11:30 I got my epidural and was much more comfy! Mom and Dad even took a nap! Later that afternoon, we were told the news that it was time! My nurse said usually they have you start pushing before the doctor gets there so it was a good thing we didn't do that! We started pushing at 4:40 and Jackson was born at 4:49! He had to go to the nursery for the next 4 hours to get his blood sugars monitored though. While he was in there though, dad and everyone were able to visit and see him. I, unfortunately, started having blood pressure issues and after bloodwork, they realized I had developed preeclampsia from delivery. So, I was then pumped full of magnesium and was quite miserable! I was not allowed to breastfeed or anything, so I was kind of confined to the bed. :( Jackson finally came back to our room around 10pm and I was able to hold and feed him which was just awesome! He stayed with us from then on! The next evening I was able to get up and shower and change rooms and that made a huge difference. I felt great after that! We were able to go home friday night and he is doing great!

He is such a good baby! He doesn't cry more than 5 seconds unless he is getting his diaper changed. He was given a pacifier in the nursery at the hospital and they have become BFF, so that gets him through his changings. He loves it. He will also sit awake for a couple of hours at a time but just be content watching everything, so we are just in awe with everything. He is currently working his way back to breastfeeding and is doing pretty well today! We are just so pleased with how everything turned out and how spectacular he is.

I will post pics shortly!


