Week 26

Week 26 of pregnancy has proven to be quite an interesting week. I've been having some pain lately and decided to call the dr monday morning after it'd happen a couple times in the week before. I talked to her about the pains and promised that if any pain came on, whatever the type, that I'd get it checked out. Well, tues night rolled around and my back was hurting a lot. It wasn't the pain I was having before because I wasn't cramping in the front or anything. Well, we decide to go to the hospital just in case. So we get there and get hooked up to the monitors and there are some small contractions showing up on the screen. Nothing big. The nurse decided she wanted to check everything just to make sure I wasn't dilating or anything. well, she does the exam and tells me I am 75% effaced!!! she leaves and calls the dr and comes back to tell me that I'm on bedrest and may not even be able to get up to shower or anything. Says to me, "It's going to be a long 14 weeks, I'm sorry." So, they order an ultrasound to confirm, but they have to call the tech to come to the hospital because it's late. huh? So I sit there for an hour and I'm freaking out! The lady shows up for the ultrasound and does it and says, "you're not dilated or effaced at all." The nurse is like, oh! I thought she was. Apparently my tilted uterus was the culprit, but I don't know if the tech was just telling her that or what. So.... we get sent home and i have no issues! It's been chalked up to an irritable uterus (contractions with no change) and/or growing pains. Like I said to james, I can chalk up the aches and stuff to growing pains, but I can't chalk up the severe cramping every 2-3 minutes to just growing pains. I'll chalk that up to the irritable uterus. As I said to James, I'd be irritable, too, if I got kicked like that.

So, thinking that we had our fun for the week and got to mark off touring the maternity ward from our to do list, we proceed with life as normal.

Well, come thursday morning, I'm driving to work for an 8:30 meeting. I just start driving again after stopping at a stoplight and think wow, I think I'm kind of nauseous. After 10 years of CP, I know the warning signs of getting sick well before the nausea really hits. So I decide I'm goin to pull over just in case. well, I luckily managed to pull over and get my car in park before I pass out!! I remember sitting there and thinking, nope, not gonna get sick and then feeling some tingling but then couldn't see and then finally passing out! I came to all drenched in sweat and realized that probably wasn't a good thing. I called the office to tell them I wasn't gonna make it to my meeting (first priority) and then I proceeded to call James where I finally had the fear hit me and I lose it to him. poor guy. I called my doctor and waited for the call back. I felt fine afterwards and checked my blood sugar. All was normal. I went home and got the call that I had to go back to the hospital! Ugh! So, James met me there and I had an EKG, chest x-ray, and bloodwork done. All came back just fine. The dr thinks that I may have gotten a bit run down and my blood pressure got too low. He said it is a good sign that I felt it coming on because it's a bad indicator if I was just fine and then passed out. Well, he then ordered me home for 2 days. After much pleading with him and him threatening to call my office of employment (dang it, that's my dad!) I went to the office and took stuff home to work.

On a side note, I've realized this week that Jackson is in complete control.

One funny story, I've mentioned to some of you how much Jackson is entertained by anything on my stomach, especially seat belts. He proceeds to kick and kick until they finally move. There have been numerous occassions where I'll pull the seatbelt off really quick and he'll start kicking all around trying to find it again. Well, when we were in the hospital on tuesday night, I had to be hooked up to the monitors, so we could hear his heartbeat and they were counting the kicks. Well, this meant game on for Jackson. As soon as she put it on he started kicking like crazy. The nurse laughed and stuff because we'd try to talk and you'd hear him kick every few seconds. well, she kept coming back in over the next three hours and realizing he wasn't stopping! she's like jeez! He would kick the monitor about 6 times in a row within a matter of seconds. He would also kick it to the point that it'd stop registering his heart beat! So the nurse tried to move it on the other side of my stomach and shocking, he followed it right away! James was sitting across the room and could just see the monitor moving all about. I have to say, he was quite entertaining and made time go by much quicker than any other hospital stay I've had. He is gonna be a handful! :) Can't wait! well, let's wait until at least the end of June please!

Let's hope week 27 is a bit less eventful! :)

Making Progress...

We have finally passed the 6 month mark. Time is going quite quickly, which is just great. We had our 24 week appt last week. The results of that required me to pee in a jug for 24 hours and that was quite annoying. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed walking down the halls of my office with a bright orange jug! :) My urine test showed some protein in it, so they wanted to see what a 24 hour test would show. I guess that can be a sign of preeclampsia. My BP was fine, so I'm not too worried about it for now.

I am super excited that my showers have been scheduled too!! My family shower is May 9th and friends shower is June 6th! In a few weeks, we'll have our first class too! We're starting to get in the downward stretch of things!!

I've posted some pictures of Jackson's nursery, so you can all see! And I had to post a few pictures of wyatt since he helped us put up the curtains one night. Well, he shredded the cardboard from the package into tiny little pieces. He was being thoughtful.

That's all for now! Pretty uneventful for a girl with no pancreas! :)

