Jackson's 1 Month Pictures

Almost 8 weeks

Well, I know we've all heard it before but time really does fly when you're having fun. I can't believe Jackson is almost 2 months old! And wow, has he changed. He now can recognize mom and dad and just can't stop smiling about it. He'll try to laugh but he just shakes his whole body and it kind of sounds like a fake cough. it is truly hilarious to watch his shoulders bounce up and down and his mouth be wide open! Talk about heart melting! He has also earned his nickname of wiggle worm because the kid can't sit still. I can't say I'm surprised for how much he moved in mom's belly. If he could get his legs working, he'd be all over the place! He loves to just stand on mom's lap and look around at all the fun things. It lasts only about 20 seconds before he melts as we call it... his whole body goes limp! Then we do it all over again! We've also spent the last week sleeping in the nursery! I truly think he likes it better in there because of the hum that his halo mattress puts off. He sat in there wide awake for 45 min the other night before putting himself to bed! He really is growing up so fast. We have also learned that Jackson is going to take after his dad because he LOVES to be outside. Thankfully the weather has been nice! Jackson is still trying to figure out what the big furry thing is that keeps licking his feet everytime he comes home and sits by him every time he gets upset. I think he has found his buddy :)

At Jackson's 1 month check up, he weighed in at 9lbs even and 21.75" long! That means he gained almost 2 lbs and grew 2.25"!! He is heading back on the 11th for those terrible shots at his 2 month check up! :(

So, mom has returned to work and Mimi is watching Jackson during the day. He goes on walks, loves to look outside and dream about running through that grass, and sit in his bouncer. Mom is still trying to get used to being away from him for the day but gets updates from Mimi which make it a bit easier. It's just hard to get home and then it be bedtime already for him. I guess I do get to get up with him a couple times a night though! :) lol.

So life is changing quickly at the Abernathy household and we're adjusting the best we can. This truly has been the best few months and I can't wait to watch how he changes and grows.

We'll keep you posted! :)

