Blood Results

We had our quad screening done on Monday to test for birth defects and all came back negative! We were relieved to have those back. They did the first part of it earlier, but they do it again since it's supposedly more accurate between 16-18 wks. I also received my A1C levels back last night. The A1C is a measure of your blood sugar average over a 3 month period. The goal for pregnancy is under 7.0 but they aim for 6.0. Anything under 6.0 and you're considered to have an average blood sugar in normal range. The normal range for blood sugars is 80-120 for everyone. Anything higher than 120 and you're considered diabetic. My A1C was 5.7!!!!! It was 6.2 in November and 6.4 last May, so things are still improving from surgery and we will try to get off insulin completely once we are done with the pregnancy! Not that it's that big of a deal to give myself one shot every morning, but it would be awesome to go completely without and not be considered diabetic anymore! So, now we are just counting down the days until March 3rd!

17wk Appt-2/16/09

So, this morning I had my 17wk appt with my ob. It went great. I got to tell her all about my visit to Minnesota and she was thrilled with my blood sugars even though all I did was code my meter! ha! she cracked up at that. Then we went over the passing out issues and she said that most people in their 2nd trimesters have lower blood pressure and since mine typically runs low anyways, that would be why I passed out at the dr's office a couple of weeks ago. Good thing it happened there! All is just fine!! So, blood sugars, blood pressure, and everything else is going just great. I got to hear the heartbeat again today and it's amazing how much that eases your mind! Two weeks from tomorrow and we get to find out what we're having!!! woohoo!!!

